Why Interactivity and sensible hash tags attract free likes from your followers

News 02:07 July 2024:

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Some people have hundreds of followers on instagram, but when they post a picture of themselves on the platform, only a few of the followers like it. Have you ever experienced such a scenario? If yes, you probably need to change what you post. Having many followers do not always reflect to high number of likes on your posts, and this is especially true if you post boring and pale pictures.

Nowadays, people utilize free editing apps to make their posts look unique and more attractive. People who also get many free likes  and free followers do not also post tens of photos at the same time. They post fewer but better looking pictures. Similarly, people who get more likes on their posts also like other people’s photos. Also, commenting and appreciating other people’s photos on the comments section is likely to help you get even more likes on instagram. As for hash tags, only use trendy and sensible ones. And never overdo hash tag if you want more likes. Instead, result to posting your pics at the right time when your followers are more likely to see them.